filter in select-single component & combo box one not working
filter in select-single component & combo box one not workingContent
Hi All,
I am using select-single & combobox-one to show LOV. Expectation is LOV data should get filtered as the user starts typing but in my case its only highlighting the text. I am using SDP as data provider with ORDS Rest End point.
I can see in Browser Network monitor as I type it triggers a new REST call .
How do I get the LOV data filtered?
Version: 20.10.2 Jet version - 8.1.5Code Snippet
<oj-select-single label-hint="Department" data="[[$page.variables.getLovDeptListSDP]]" item-text="dept_name "></oj-select-single> <oj-combobox-one label-hint="Department" options="[[$page.variables.getLovDeptListSDP2]]" options-keys.value="dept_id" options-keys.label="dept_name" value="{{ $variables.dept }}"> </oj-combobox-one> ORDS Query - select dept_id, dept_name from dept order by dept_id